Friday, October 7, 2011

for my friend Helen

I recently learned that my friend Helen died of complications from breast cancer, a battle she had been fighting for a long time.

I met Helen in my late teens, when she moved to my home town. She was in her 20's and treated me like an adult, she was kind and fun. We became friends. We exchanged letters my freshmen year of college and I remember feeling so thrilled when I would open my mail box and see a perfectly addressed letter from Helen (she had the most amazing handwriting), with news from home and words of encouragement for my path in life, at a time when I was a bit confused.

Over the years we lost touch, as happens when life speeds up and people go their separate ways. Helen got married and had a son. I finished school and moved back to Alaska. The last few years though, we saw each other often, one of the blessings of living in a small town. Every time we saw each other we would exchange a long hug and check in with each other on life. It always made me feel so good to see Helen. We would talk about how we needed to get together, take a walk etc. But, as life happens, and we are all so busy, we never did. And now, Helen is gone.

I am thankful she was a part of my life, even if it wasn't on a more regular basis. Helen was a smart, strong woman who was not afraid of a fight or a hug, traits I admired. Helen's death reminds me not to wait to spend time with someone you love. This life is fleeting. Appreciate those you love, tell them that, and make the time. In the end, none of the rest of it matters. Thank you, Helen - for always closing your eyes when we hugged and for making our short moments together so genuine.

photo via tidbits

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