Monday, September 26, 2011

a week off

I've got a lot going on right now, including working on updating our tiny downstairs dungeon tidbits will be taking the week off. Here is a sneak peak at some farm photos I am working on...More soon! xo

Friday, September 23, 2011

friday photo

Happy Friday, my dears. Have a wonderful weekend. Here is a sweet picture of my Rosie Mae. If you have a pup, give her or him an extra belly rub this weekend, because, without a doubt, they bring joy to your life and you owe them least. xo

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

kitchen love

This fall one of my projects is to do some work on our little kitchen. I am looking forward to lightening the space up with some paint, putting new hardware on the cabinets, and possibly doing something about the counter tops. Here are a few lovely kitchens I found poking around for inspiration (note the beautiful wooden chairs). Enjoy!

via simply whites

via my ideal home

via french by design

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a warm diy

Thanks to my sweetie for sending this to me! Maybe it's just because I live in a drafty old house with a fair amount of untreated windows, but I love this idea! I'd like to try it at some point, I can think of just the window for it! This was on Apartment Therapy, but you can find the exact instructions on Ready Made, such a great blog and magazine. Have fun!

Monday, September 19, 2011

monday reminder

This weekend we worked on our chicken coop (yes, someday we will have chickens), I harvested the last of our garden, made French Sorrel soup with the sorrel I grew, cut the tiny Brussels sprouts from their stalks and cleaned and put away the last of the carrots, kale, chard and potatoes. It was a productive and good weekend. One of those weekends that leaves you feeling very fortunate. Anyway, when I was trying to think of what to post for today, I remembered this Ted talk that I had watched a few months ago and thought it might be a good thing to share. I love Ted, but don't usually post the talks on here because of length. This one is just over three minutes and a good reminder to appreciate what you have in your life and that things are not always as they seem...Happy Monday.

Friday, September 16, 2011

friday photo

I took this picture at the Olympia Farmers Market, which is one of my favorite places to visit while we're there. Yes, those really are pink peas. I had never seen such a thing. Have you? Amazing! Have a lovely weekend my dears. xo

Thursday, September 15, 2011

more chairs

Bret say's we can't have the metal chairs that I love for our dining room, because they will get too cold in our old house. I think these chairs would be a good compromise. Love them and this this space too.

via moncahierd images

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

olso style

Love this home in Oslo, Norway. It is the home of Hanne, of the blog babyramen, where she lives with her husband and small daughter (note the adorable kids room). I love the bright colors spread about and vintage style mixed in with the new. I could live here. If you haven't yet checked out her blog, do. It's very worth while.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

a tid bit

I read this poem in the current edition of Sun Magazine, one of my favorites. I keep thinking about it, so I thought I would share. (photo via tidbits)

Please Don't

by Tony Hoagland

tell the flowers — they think
the sun loves them.
The grass is under the same
simple-minded impression

about the rain, the fog, the dew
— and when the wind blows,
it feels so good
they lose control of themselves

and swobtoggle wildly
around, bumping accidentally into their
slender neighbors.
Forgetful little lotus-eaters,

hydroholics, drawing nourishment up
through stems into their
thin green skin,

high on the expensive
chemistry of mitochondrial explosion,
believing that the dirt
loves them, the night, the stars —

reaching down a little deeper
with their pale albino roots,
all dizzy
Gillespie with the utter
sufficiency of everything

— they don’t imagine lawn
mowers, the four stomachs
of the cow, or human beings with boots
who stop to marvel

at their exquisite
flexibility and color.
They persist in their softheaded

hallucination of happiness.
But please don’t mention it.
Not yet. So what

if they are wrong? So what
if you are right?

Monday, September 12, 2011

a fun room for a monday

I've been wanting to post this room for a while. Even though I am not a lover of pink in decorating (as I believe I have mentioned before), I think this space is super fun and cheerful. The pink flatware on the curtains is over the top, yet it goes perfectly with the space and makes me laugh. Happy Monday, hope your week is a lovely one, my dears.

via au coin du monde

Friday, September 9, 2011

friday photo

Sorry for missing yesterday's post my dears. We were having too much fun digging around in vintage stores in Portland, eating from delicious food carts, looking at amazing art, and visiting with friends for me to get much blogging time in. Needless to say, we had a great time.

Here is your Friday photo. Thanks to Bret's mom for being such a lovely model. Have a wonderful weekend, see you next week. xo

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


We are in Portland for two nights, staying one with some friends and one in a fancy hotel downtown. Rosie thinks the king size bed suites her just fine. We think so too. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

reclaimed wood

Reclaimed wood on floors, doors, cabinets etc. is a look I find rustic, earthy and lovely. Check out the use of it in both of these rooms. Love that purple stain on the cabinets, so colorful and fun!

via my ideal home

Monday, September 5, 2011

thank you alice

Cheers to doing something mad, and wonderfully outrageous this week, my dears. xo

via piccsy

Friday, September 2, 2011

friday photo

More Paris flowers. Just arrived in Olympia, WA and will be enjoying some sunshine and flea market time with family and friends around the North West for the next week or so. Hope to have some fun photos to share soon. In the meantime, have a lovely weekend and as always, take some time to enjoy the flowers. xo

Thursday, September 1, 2011

a house in spain

Check out this beautiful country house in Spain. The clean lines and the balance of rustic old with chic new, make the space feel warm and sophisticated. Looks like a nice place to spend September to me. Ha!

via 79 ideas